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Bat Facts, Identification, And Mitigation In Omaha

Group of small brown bats hanging from wooden beams.

Bats are often portrayed in movies and TV as part monsters, but that isn’t true at all. The bats that fly around Omaha homes don’t turn into vampires. In fact, they can be very beneficial to the ecosystem. But they shouldn’t be living in your attic. When that’s the case, you need bat control in Omaha that you can count on to take care of the bats safely. CP Bat Mitigation offers high-quality bat mitigation to keep you and your home safe. Call today to learn more about humane bat control.

Interesting Facts About Common Bats In Omaha

Bats are fairly common pests in Omaha homes, but there are many details about these animals that make them fascinating, such as:

  • Bats are the only mammals that truly fly.
  • The most common bat species in Omaha is the big brown bat, but little brown and red bats are also commonly seen.
  • Bats are important parts of the ecosystem as they pollinate plants, spread seeds, and control the insect population.
  • A single little brown bat can eat between 600 and 1200 mosquito-sized bugs every hour.
  • Some bats hibernate in cold weather, often in human structures.

 All of these little facts make up the mammals we see in zoos, movies, and sometimes even around our homes. But just because they’re interesting doesn’t mean you want bats living in your attic or chimney.

How To Identify A Bat Infestation

There are a few signs of bats you can look for around your home. The most obvious might be seeing the bats themselves, likely at dawn or dusk. As the sun sets, bats leave their roosts to find food; they return around sunrise and sleep through the day. If you think you might have a bat infestation in your home, keep an eye out around these times to see if you can catch them coming or going. You might hear scratching or chirping noises coming from the bats’ roosting spot, likely in the attic or chimney. Not all bat vocalizations are audible to humans, which means you might not hear them even if bats are living in your house. If you do have a bat infestation, you’ll probably find bat droppings around their roosting site. This material is dark and has a crumbly texture.

It’s important that you know how to recognize a bat infestation because bats need to be taken out of your home as soon as possible. Their fecal matter contains acids that can eat through metal and wood, eventually causing severe damage to your home. It also contains the histoplasmosis fungus, which can lead to illness in humans. Plus, bats may bite if handled, and they’re occasional carriers of rabies. Although bats are not aggressive, they are wild animals; it’s important for your safety and theirs that you get an infestation treated quickly and humanely.

Effective Bat Mitigation Strategies

Bat mitigation and prevention strategies primarily focus on exclusion, keeping bats from even entering your home. There are a few methods for this, and some might be more effective for your home than others.

You can close your home to bats in a few different ways. Installing screens over attic vents and chimney openings can be useful since these are common places for bats. It’s also important to repair or seal any cracks or holes in the walls. Holes in the walls of your home can act as “doors” to bats and other pests. Door sweeps can also be beneficial in bat prevention.

Bats are a protected species, so it’s illegal to kill them, and certain precautions must be taken when handling them. Because of this, prevention and exclusion are much easier to do yourself since treatment of a bat infestation requires a licensed professional.

Call The Bat Expert For Safe And Effective Bat Solutions

CP Bat Mitigation is the best option for treating bat infestations in Omaha. With decades of experience in the industry, you can count on us to take care of you, your home, and the bats. When you call us for treatment, we’ll head over as soon as possible. We’ll perform an inspection to find any entry points; then we’ll seal all but one. In that last entry point, we’ll install our bat exclusion device. This allows the bats to leave but won’t let them come back in. We return six to eight weeks after the initial service visit to make sure your Omaha home is still bat-free. If it isn’t, we’ll continue our services at no extra cost to you.

Call CP Bat Mitigation today to learn more about our residential and commercial bat control services in Omaha.

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