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Managing A Bat Problem On Your Property In Omaha

Small brown bat crawling down a wooden wall.

Bats are essential to the Omaha ecosystem because they are avid predators of many insects like mosquitoes and can pollinate plants like honey bees do. Still, they can spread illnesses and cause property damage if they manage to enter your home.

In this blog, the CP Bat Mitigation experts will show you how professional bat control in Omaha is the best way to keep these unwanted mammals out of your structure. We will go over the different species that call the area home, review the problems associated with bat intrusions, explain how to identify and seal their entry points, and show you how humane bat mitigation is critical to controlling these winged mammals.

Different Types Of Bats

Omaha is a stunning area full of various wildlife. It is also home to several types of bats. The big brown bat and the little brown bat are some of the most common. These two species often roost in attics and tree hollows during the day. They emerge at dusk to forage for insects, which helps to control pest populations.

The eastern red bat is another resident in the area. You might recognize it by its striking red fur and acrobatic flight as it hunts for insects in open spaces and woodlands. And silver-haired bats migrate to the region in the summer. They are known for their silver-tipped fur.

These species are only part of our diverse local bat population. While they are valuable contributors to our local ecosystem and essential to the region's biodiversity, they can also lead to many problems, including spreading health risks and causing property damage.

Structural Damage And Health Risks Associated With Bats

Bats can pose many issues when they take over. Structural damage occurs when they roost in attics or other secluded spaces where bat droppings, known as guano, and urine can accumulate. Over time, it will cause everything from staining and odors to corrosion.

Health risks are also a concern because guano can harbor harmful fungi that can cause respiratory illnesses if you inhale the spores. Additionally, bats can carry diseases like rabies. Please take any physical contact with a bat seriously and seek immediate medical attention if they scratch or bite you.

One of the best strategies to reduce the chance of intrusions is to identify and seal their entry points. Read on to learn more about this critical aspect of bat mitigation.

How To Identify And Seal Bat Entry Points

Identifying and sealing bat entry points is paramount for preventing these flying mammals from accessing your home. Here's how to start:

  • Try to spot their entry and exit points: Bats are nocturnal. Check your home's exterior at dusk for bat activity near potential openings.

  • Check common entry points: Bats often enter through gaps in rooflines and chimneys. Inspect these areas for guano, oily markings, and other signs of bats in your house.

  • Seal entry points: Once you find potential spots they might use to enter, seal them using appropriate materials like caulk or hardware cloth. We can help ensure your methods are bat-proof, as they can fit through small openings.

  • Consider bat exclusion devices: One-way systems near entry points will allow bats to exit but not reenter.

It can sometimes be necessary to wait until the bats have left your home for their nightly hunt before permanently sealing entry points. You might also need to monitor the area for a few nights to ensure all bats have left and can't reenter.

If you need advice on where to start or are dealing with a large infestation, consult the CP Bat Mitigation experts for safe and effective bat exclusion and mitigation efforts to avoid legal issues and ensure the humane treatment of these protected animals.

Contact The Bat Control Experts For Humane Removal

CP Bat Mitigation can help with humane and legal bat mitigation. Our bat control specialists follow ethical practices to protect the bats and your property with services that include thorough inspections, safe exclusion techniques to prevent reentry, and proper bat guano cleanup. We will prioritize the well-being of these protected creatures while safeguarding your Omaha home from structural damage and health risks. Handling bat issues on your own can be hazardous. Call us today to schedule a visit with our experienced team.

CP Bat Mitigation is the top choice for bat exclusion. Call us today to schedule an inspection and to learn more about our residential and commercial bat control services in Omaha.

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