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Removing Bats From Your Omaha Home

Brown bat lays dead on the floor

Bat removal in Omaha might not be high on your list of concerns — if you remember them at all. However, if you wind up with a bat problem, these potentially dangerous pests will quickly rocket to the top of your pest priority list. Find out more about these pest animals, why they’re dangerous, and the best way to remove them from your Omaha home with the help of CP Bat Mitigation.

Types Of Bats Found In Omaha

We have around a dozen types of bats in Omaha, including species like: 

  • Big brown bats

  • Little brown bats

  • Eastern red bats

  • Hoary bats

  • Silver-haired bats

The most common bat species you will encounter in your home in Nebraska are the big brown bat and the little brown bat. Obviously, if you want to identify which species you have, you could guess from their names that the little brown bat is little and brown, and the big brown bat is big and brown. 

Of course, there's more to it than that. Big brown bats, for example, are usually much darker in color than little brown bats. Big brown bats can be chocolate or reddish-brown, while little brown bats are normally light brown to tan. Big brown bats also have ears that are proportionately much larger than those of little brown bats. 

Bat Infestations Get More Dangerous With Time

Of course, the most obvious danger of bat infestations is rabies. Bats are infamous for their propensity to spread the deadliest virus (by mortality rate) on Earth. Bats are usually the number one or number two vectors for this dangerous illness, which means that a bite from a bat virtually always necessitates a round of painful and sometimes expensive rabies shots.

Bats also spread a less infamous but much more common disease known as histoplasmosis. Bat guano contains spores from the Histoplasma fungus. These spores can get into your lungs and cause everything from mild flu-like symptoms to death. The more bat guano that builds up, the higher your risk of exposure. This is why bat infestations become more dangerous over time, and it's why you will want to take bat control measures as soon as you realize there is an issue. 

The Safe And Effective Way To Remove Bats From Your Home

Attempting to remove bats from your home on your own is never a good idea. Not only are you risking potentially dangerous bat bites, but you're also risking exposure to Histoplasma spores if you are not wearing the proper safety equipment. This is why the best way to control bats in your home is to trust bat removal experts. 

Here at CP Bat Mitigation, our bat control specialists have all the tools and the training necessary to eliminate bat infestations from your property. We can humanely remove bats from your home without exposing ourselves or you to any of the dangerous diseases they carry.

We are able to remove bats using our unique bat control products that only allow egress from your home but not ingress. Once bats leave your home through our one-way door, they will not be able to return and will have to seek shelter elsewhere. 

Effective Ways To Prevent Future Bat Invasions

Bat control in Omaha doesn't have to be a hassle. Our bat exclusion devices don't just help eliminate existing infestations, but our services also help prevent new bat infestations because we seal all bat entrances before installing our device. This means that once bats are out of your home, new bats will not be able to get in. 

At CP Bat Mitigation, we understand bat behavior and are usually able to find and eliminate all bat entrances in one inspection. However, if you are still noticing bat activity after our initial service period, we guarantee our services to ensure your home stays bat-free. So don't wait. Contact us today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Omaha.

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