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Bat-Watching: The Ultimate Guide To Observing Bats In Omaha

Small brown bat flying through foliage at night.

Bats are elusive creatures. Many myths and urban legends about bats have given these creatures a bad reputation throughout history. But these tiny flying mammals are actually quite beneficial to have around and can also be entertaining to watch. 

Bat watching can be a great way to learn more about these mysterious creatures, but you have to make sure that you are doing it safely. At CP Bat Mitigation, we have been providing pest control in Omaha for decades, and we specialize in bat mitigation. We know all of the rules and regulations that the state has regarding bats, and we can help make your bat-watching experience fun and safe. 

The Best Places For Bat-Watching In Omaha

Bats are attracted to insects and are the most active at the same time that insects are most active, which usually starts in May and lasts until September or October. Bats in Omaha like areas that have plenty of hiding spots. You can usually find them around caves, heavily wooded areas, or bridges. If an area has a lot of insects, you are likely to see bats swarming the area just after the sun has set. Like all animals, bats need water to survive. If you sit by the lake or another body of water at night, you are likely to see bats swooping down to the surface of the water to get a drink. 

If you want to get an up-close look at bats while also having fun, the Nebraska Wildlife Rehab releases over 500 bats back into the wild every year. In addition to watching the bats, you can participate in fun and educational activities as well. The event is called "Bats Over Omaha Annual Bat Release." It is held at Joslyn Castle and usually takes place sometime between the end of March and the first part of May. 

What You Need To Know Before You Go Bat-Watching

Bat-watching can be amazingly fun. However, in order to get the most out of the experience, there are a few things that you should keep in mind, which include:

  1. Go out at dusk: Bats are nocturnal creatures that will hunt bugs from dusk until dawn. It is best to pick your bat-watching spot before the sun is completely set. 
  2. Bats are protected: In Nebraska, it is illegal for the average person to trap or kill bats. You should only watch bats and never try to capture or trap them.
  3. Bats can be dangerous: Bats can spread diseases, like histoplasmosis, through their droppings. While rare, it is also possible for bats to carry and spread rabies. You should never get too close to bats when observing them. 

Bats prefer to be left alone. If you are watching bats, it is important that you keep your distance from them. 

How To Observe Bats Safely And Respectfully

Bats are fun to watch, but it should be done at a safe distance. If you find a spot with a lot of bat activity, you should observe from a safe distance. Typically, you will want to set up your viewing area at least 100 yards away from the activity. You can bring binoculars to help you see them better if you need to. 

Contact Us To Learn More About Bat Mitigation And Conservation

At CP Bat Mitigation, we are committed to safe and humane bat mitigation. Our Omaha bat control technicians have spent many years studying these fascinating creatures. Give us a call today to learn how bats and humans can live in the same area safely and harmoniously.

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